PADI 亞太辦有接到多名會員的來信, 詢問關於海燕(Yolanda)颱風對於在菲律賓的PADI會員的影響。我們欣慰的報告, 我們尚未收到任何PADI 會員或潛水中心的嚴重傷亡報告, 但是某些潛點受到了嚴重的損壞。在這緊要關頭, 我們和各位PADI會員和當地受災而無家可歸的住民心心相連。

Malapascua島,Thresher Sharks的所在地,在颱風到來前就已疏散。儘管該地是風暴的嚴重受創區,我們還沒有收到潛水中心雇員的嚴重傷亡報告。當地90%的住宅都被摧毀, 有幾家PADI潛水設施在籌集資金,向當地住民提供飲用水和食物,并積極協助向當地人民提供庇護所。

Thresher Shark Divers 潛水中心親自參與協助,并設立了網上捐款鏈接

請訪問該鏈接來決定您是否願意捐款來幫助Malapascua島當地灾後重建。捐款目前被用於向當地菲律賓住民提供食物和飲水。Evolution Dive, Sea Explorers, Malapascua-Exotic Island Dive Resort 和其他本地的經營者也籌款協助食物和飲水嚴重短缺的當地人民。我們會通過PAID 亞太部Facebook 網頁和其他途徑向您提供最新報導。

Thresher Shark Divers link 的鏈接會協助直接援助Malapascua島的當地住民,請

考慮捐款來幫助當地重建, 當地住民多從事旅遊或是潛水社團工作。您還可以通過其他鏈接來捐款支援



Our thoughts are with all those affected by the recent typhoon in the Philippines and surrounding region.

PADI Asia Pacific has been contacted by many PADI Members asking about the effect of Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) especially in regards to PADI Members located in the Philippines. At this stage we’ve not received any reports of PADI Member or PADI Dive Shop employee fatalities or serious injuries however our thoughts and sympathies are with all those affected, including Malapascua Island region which took full impact of the storm.

There are many PADI Members and PADI Dive Shop employees assisting on the ground already. Thresher Shark Divers are personally assisting and have also set up an online opportunity to donate and assist in the recovery of the local people from Malapascua Island. Funds are currently being used to provide food and water to the local communities. For more information visit: Malapascua-Exotic Island Dive Resort have also raised funds to assist the local people with the devastating shortage of food and water. We will provide updates as other efforts are identified and there are also opportunities to support recovery efforts by donating through and other organisations.

As always, if you have concerns about family or friends please contact the official organizations in your country.

PADI will continue to contact affected PADI members.

PADI Asia Pacific.

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